Created by 18th century Scottish philosopher David Hume.
Theory in which an object consists only of a collection (bundle) of properties.
According to bundle theory, an object consists of its properties and nothing more
Hence, there can not be an object without properties nor can one even conceive of such an object
For example, a ball is really a collection of the properties green (color), 50cm in diameter (size), 5kg (weight), etc.
Beyond those properties, there is no "ball."
In particular, there is no substance in which the properties inhere.
According to David Hume, the idea of an enduring self is an illusion.
A person is simply a collection of mental states at a particular time; there is no separate subject of these mental states over and above the states themselves.
When the states subside, this theory implies, and are replaced with other states, so too the person subsides and is replaced with another.